Tuesday, May 19, 2009


obviously, i dont have much time anymore to blog. bummer. i will try to do better! i am on facebook quite regularly, so stay in touch! here are some quick updates:
me: i am enjoying gardening, doing my p90x workout program every morning at 6am and i got a new bike. i ride most mornings after my workout about 4 miles. its a cool old style one speed cruiser. i love it! the garden has done well. i have cucumbers, gourds, onions, a few string beans, one lonely tomato and the corn is almost ready! so much fun to check it every day and see what's new. will turn another year older next week, ho hum. not sure want i want to do yet. maybe a date night!
johnny: is busy working and .....is now a football player, lol. and he's never played a day in his life before now. thanks to our friend dave he was introduced to semi-pro football. namely, the austin vipers. he is enjoying practices and still needs to learn the plays, but i will update again when the schedule is ready. that keeps him busy 2-3 times a week in austin.
aidan: is ready for kindergarten in the fall! i cant believe it but it's almost time. he is reading some now and has been very sweet as always. he will do well in school i know, now eating in the cafeteria i'm not so sure. still a picky eater.
holden: just learned to ride a bike and is busy, busy, busy as always. he will start pre-k in august. it's only 3 hours a day but he's ready. we will both miss aidan at school all day, but it will be nice to have holden alone for the first time in his life. whatever will we do, lol!?!?!? also, we are planning a party for his big 4th birthday on june 23rd. 4 already???

other than that, we have taken the rv to canyon lake a couple times all ready. and i look forward to checking out a few more places over the summer. we are all water lovers, so we are forever in search of a pool!